Vincent rengenhart

Vincent Rengenhart’s sculptures have been compared to Salvador Dali (Spanish) and H.R. Giger (Swiss) in terms of inspiration and execution – fusing the natural, cosmic, and universe – all in one. 

A true craftsman educated (in ateliers & trade school) and filled with experiences that go back half a century, Vincent is a skilled artisan in a multitude of metals, minerals, and movement.

As a goldsmith and silversmith, his detailed and decorative art delivers statues and sculptures that express form, fashion, and whimsical creativity. 

The Darwin 5 – Fish, Reptile, Insect, Bird and Mammal, the Process of Evolution (Darwinism) are a one kind collection that also reminds of Genesis, the creation of the world (At The Beginning Gen. 1:1 – 2:3) and for that reason, you could also call them Genesis 5.

Materials used include, Gold, Silver, Quartz Crystal, Fluorite, Granite, Stone, Steel, and a multitude of Exotic Woods 

For more information and or a private showing please email or call +1 404 250 1709 (Office in the USA)


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ART Delivers (Sm)

Eric Alexander de Groot

227 Sandy Springs Place N.E.

Suite 720400

Atlanta, Georgia 30328