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Welcome To The ART Delivers Shop

Welcome to the ART Delivers Shop, where you can support our efforts and endeavors by purchasing a piece of art (*) or contributing to support artists, communities in need, and people in disaster areas. That’s what we do. ART Delivers!

In addition, overall sales and revenues pay for ART Delivers Operations as well as Expeditions. You can read more about that here.

The main point and purpose are to truly care, show kindness and participate in the process of Healing and Repairing The World (#Tikkun Olam). Artists, deliver that message in a visual or auditory fashion, it is often raw, emotional, though always authentic and the fact is: We all need that, especially as we are ALL interconnected AND interdependent.

Beyond your purchase, contribution, participation, donation, support, and or involvement, GIVING is one of the most beautiful feelings and actions we as HUMANS can undertake and experience.

THANK YOU – your purchase is SO MUCH more than (merely) ‘SHOPPING’ as it will renew and breathe new life into individuals, communities who are going through a rough time and or are devastated. Whereas we always look at Governments and the Public Sector to pick up the pieces after a disaster, it is the Private Sector and people like YOU who make the difference. Together, we can change the World One Painting at a Time.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.

YES! ART Delivers

(*) Alternatively, buy a fraction of art: a percentage or share. For more information, please contact us.

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Office USA

ART Delivers (Sm)

Eric Alexander de Groot

227 Sandy Springs Place N.E.

Suite 720400

Atlanta, Georgia 30328