Mark dolamore

The Revolutionary Art of Mark Dolamore

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant, but we’ve created a society honoring the servant that forgets the gift

The Pyramid triptych is a work of systems art that reveals something other art cannot. It’s mathematically attributable to a state of mind we think of as spiritual. The Pyramid was created while I was living in Brazil, thirty-odd years ago while I was pursuing my observational system for tuning in to nature’s spirit of beauty in real-time.

Some may doubt beauty is nature’s own, ubiquitous intelligence, or that its spirit exists everywhere, including within us. But, assuming by tuning-in we engage something called the butterfly effect this would undoubtedly lead on to the human Gaia effect… tying humanity semi-consciously into the planet-wide self-regulation mechanism proposed by Lovelock. Were this mechanism to become established, it would maintain both our creative advancement as a species and our collective balance on every level within the natural system. Pyramid Art offers both proof of principle and the method by which everyone can put theory into practice.

We know the language of the Pyramid is from a timeless state, beyond the material world, because the meaning it encapsulates, within the central imagery of the Pyramid, is both unintended and strangely messianic. All the imagery is extracted mathematically, from Bronze Age and twentieth-century binary coded data, combined using my proprietary mathematical system. In other words, my method of research has uncovered meaning where there should be nothing to find if the materialist paradigm is correct. The fact the image of a butterfly fluttering above the first and last letters of the Roman alphabet was discovered, implies it was hidden by the same timeless nature the spirit ancient man perceived and the imagery depicts.

In keeping with the tradition in the modern art of perception research, after a tuning-in process four years long, I was guided to manipulate those binary codes I spoke of by the unexplained Jungian phenomenon known as synchronicity, formerly known as divine grace. So, the Pyramid must be considered the first discovery in fine art, surpassing anything out of science because it both calls the materialist paradigm, which is the foundation of scientific thinking into question and promises to counter its destructive legacy by enabling our collective development of the human Gaia effect via recognition of such grace as a guiding influence.

Human beings must develop an intuitive sensitivity to the complex natural system if we are to self-regulate and build a sustainable civilization, respecting the limits of this planet. The prospect is fascinating, using Pyramid Art to tune ourselves to this wavelength of beauty, but it requires we have faith in its workings from the outset. The best and most intuitive way to find such faith is to experience the guiding direction of meaningful coincidences, or synchronicity in abundance. Everyone now needs to put themselves in such a receptive state. The best way to begin is to consider the imagery of my Pyramid systems Art as the researched discovery of one who has thoroughly trodden that path.

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Eric Alexander de Groot

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